UV Sanitizers - The Affordable Cleaning Option

For years, homeowners, property managers, and business owners alike have either been employing the aid of cleaning services or spending monthly income on cleaning supplies. While these methods work to keep spaces clean, they can often become costly and sometimes inconvenient. 

It is estimated that the average homeowner in the USA will spend about $150 for a full cleaning service. Per month, this adds up to be $300 total for a biweekly cleaning and a whopping $600 total for a weekly cleaning, leading the average home to spend between $3,600 - $7,200 a year on cleaning services for those who employ them. 

In addition, the average American will spend about $50 on cleaning supplies per month ($600 per year). Of course, those who rent office space, especially on a large scale, or those with larger homes or properties will pay more. 

The Better Way to Keep Your Spaces Clean

If it seems like there should be a far more affordable way to clean your home or business, that’s because there is. 

At Tool Klean, we produce UV sanitizers that are designed to eliminate germs quickly and affordably. Whether it is bacteria, viruses, mold, or fungus that you need to do away with, we have you covered. 

Our UV sanitizers will break down the DNA in germs on surfaces such as floors, countertops, shelving, and pieces of furniture in 60 minutes or less. Treatments are quick and the room sanitizers are lightweight and easy to move from one room to another. 

An Affordable Solution

For what they do, our products are reasonably priced and can last for years at a time. Instead of spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on cleaning services and supplies, consider making a wise investment in a UV sanitizer from Tool Klean. 

Our UV light sanitizer box, for instance, is one of the best UV sanitizers for cell phones, as well as other commonly used objects. Our other UV products can provide you with the best way to clean a kitchen, bedroom, home office, or bathroom. Don't forget about our UV LED toothbrush sanitizer. This nifty gadget is low cost and will protect your oral health daily. 

Additionally, between our UV Tabletop, UV Rolling Cart, UV Handheld Sanitizers, and more, there are plenty of options to choose from when it comes to keeping your home or office clean and safe at an affordable price. Visit our Shop here https://toolklean.com/collections and find the best UV sanitizer for yourself and your needs. 

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