About Tool Klean USA - UV Light Sanitization


At Tool Klean Inc., we produce UVC light sanitizers designed to kill harmful pathogens quickly and efficiently, providing safety for you, your family, and your business. Based in the U.S.A. and registered by the EPA, our company is backed by science and guaranteed to bring you the highest level of performance and quality ever experienced in sanitization products.

Our products have all been lab-tested and proven to eliminate tough to kill bacteria, fungus, mold, staph, salmonella, canine cough, and more. Visit the ‘Articles’ section to discover the properties of UVC light and why it is so effective in providing a safe world for us to live in. 


Our Journey 

When Tool Klean was founded in 2017, the vision was clear: offering health, safety, and peace of mind through UVC sanitizing products. Now as that vision has become a reality, we at Tool Klean know it’s more important than ever to continue to fight the war against disease and illness, keeping our loved ones protected and our businesses open. 

COVID-19 impacted us in a dreadful way, but taught us a valuable lesson. The need for safety and cleanliness is paramount if we want to continue to fight this pandemic and any future pandemics that have the potential to devastate the human population, economy, and way of life.  That’s why here at Tool Klean we continue to work hard in order to provide the ultimate standard of safety and service for our customers, with the hope that we will never have to go through such a traumatizing event ever again. 



Our customer service team is reachable by phone (800-706-1677) or email (info@toolklean.com) to assist you with anything you may need.Â